Jerome Handler is a Senior Scholar at Virginia Humanities (formerly, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities), Charlottesville, Virginia. He is an historical anthropologist who specializes in the early African Diaspora, particularly in the Caribbean, and the Atlantic slave trade. He has held visiting research appointments at the DuBois Institute (Harvard), the Center for Afro-American Studies (UCLA), the Department of History, University of the West Indies (both Mona and Cave Hill campuses), and the Research Institute for the Study of Man (New York City). He is a former representative of the American Anthropological Association to the American Council for Learned Societies and for two years served on the General Services Administration Steering Committee (Advisory Board) for the African Burial Ground in New York City.
- This website brings together a selected list of my publications which have appeared since the early 1960s in widely scattered sources. These publications treat a variety of topics dealing with slavery in Barbados and the Atlantic World as well as some aspects of production activities in modern rural Barbados.
- American Civil War
- Amerindians in Barbados
- Archives Department, Barbados
- Atlantic Slavery and the Slave Trade
- Barbados History and Society: Bibliographic and Miscellany
- Biological Anthropology of Enslaved Barbadians
- Early Foreign Travel Accounts of Barbados
- Obeah
- Ph.D. Dissertation 1965
- Slavery and Slave Life in Barbados
- Slavery and Slave Life: Archaeological Studies
- Sugar, Arrowroot, and Pottery Production