2006, 2007 (Jerome S. Handler) “Bibliographic Addenda to Guides for the Study of Barbados History, 1971 & 1991: Installment One, Installment Two.” JBMHS 52: 35-53 and 53: 199-211.
Published and some manuscript materials that have come to my attention since the publication of “A Guide to Source Materials for the Study of Barbados History, 1627-1834” ( Southern Illinois University Press, 1971; reprinted Oak Knoll Press, 2002), and “Supplement to A Guide to Source Materials for the Study of Barbados History, 1627-1834” (The John Carter Brown Library, 1991).
Installment One: Bibliographic Addenda to Guides for the Study of Barbados History, 1971 & 1991
Installment Two: Bibliographic Addenda to Guides for the Study of Barbados History, 1971 & 1991